Exams & Data

We are very proud of the hard work and achievements of our founding students here at Hoe Valley School and delighted with the outcomes and progress they have made since joining the School in 2015.


Summer 2022 Results

After the COVID disruption we were very pleased that our students were finally able to sit formal GCSE exams in the summer of 2022, and we were even more pleased with the outcomes; Hoe Valley School students outperformed both Surrey (0.16) and National (-0.03) progress ratings with a score of 0.3.

54% of students achieved Grade 5 or higher in English and Maths. We were incredibly proud of the progress our students made relative to their starting points in both of these subjects; the English and Maths Progress Scores were both 0.42. In Surrey the average Progress Score for English was 0.12 and the National Average was -0.05, and in Maths the scores were 0.14 and -0.13 respectively.

In terms of students’ progress relative to their starting points, Hoe Valley School students outperformed both the Surrey and National averages with a score of 0.12 compared to 0.19 in Surrey and -0.04 nationally.

Our Attainment 8 score was 48.8 – schools get a score based on how well students have performed in up to 8 qualifications, which include English, Maths and 3 English Baccalaureate qualifications including Sciences, Computer Science, History, Geography and Languages.



The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) is an accountability measure for schools in England. It measures the proportion of students who achieve a pass in English, Maths, Science, a humanity (History or Geography) and a language GCSE. Arts subjects are not included. At Hoe Valley School we offer French, German, Spanish and Latin as languages, but students can also sit exams in other languages they speak. For example, we have had students sit their Cantonese, Turkish and Russian GCSEs amongst a number of others. If your son or daughter wishes to take a GCSE in a home language, please do let us know and arrangements can be made to support this.

In the Summer 2022 exams, 30% of our students were entered for the EBacc suite of qualifications and 19% of students achieved the EBacc.


Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

You can view our published performance measures on the GOV.UK website here.
You can compare the performance of schools on the GOV.UK website here.



The following report has been compiled for us by our Careers partners Innervate.

Y11 Intended Destinations – Summer 2022

We continue to work with our current Year 11 students ahead of them leaving us this summer, and will publish a destinations report for this cohort early in the Autumn Term 2023.


JCQ Regulations:

The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) oversee all external G.C.S.E’s. Below you will find the JCQ regulations for candidates who have started their G.C.S.E courses (Year 9 onwards) that cover all coursework elements and the formal examinations.

JCQ Information for Candidates – Privacy Notice
JCQ – Preparing to sit your exams
JCQ Coursework Assessments Information
JCQ NE Assessments Information
JCQ On Screen Examinations Information
JCQ Social Media Information for Candidates
JCQ Written Examinations Information

Exam Related Policies:

Conflicts of Interest Exam Policy
Malpractice Exam Policy



GCSE Survival Guide for Parents
GCSE Pod Webinar for Parents